Sunday, January 25, 2015

A Typical Dinner

Here's what's for dinner at our house!...I had 2 chicken thighs and a sweet potato topped with cinnamon which was amazing while my husband had a Digiorno pizza loaded with who knows what lol. Hubs isn't into the clean eating yet and that's fine because you know's not going to throw me off track! 

Not everyone around you will choose to eat clean with you which is okay and down the road you may be that shining example for them to "make that switch" because they will see how much better you feel and what clean eating is doing for you.

Don't get discouraged, don't make them do it with you....just keep on doing whatever you need too so that you stay on track! I've had so many ppl ask me over the past few months how I stay on track? They've asked me what should they do when they've got kids with junk food around the house...and here's what I tell them.

When there is junk food around the house....shouldn't that be MORE of a reason to stay on track? ....STOP making excuses for yourself! <--- Sorry for the tough love here but it's the TRUTH and sometimes you just have to say it so the point comes across.

I do however recommend having some healthy go to snacks such as baby carrots, celery sticks and whatever is quick and easy so you are less prone to grab the bag of chips. Keep the junk "out of sight" and have the healthier options easy to grab.

Anyhow, that's my little tip for the day...hope it helps 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

I'm sure most of you have been in this predicament lol...

This happened me to the other day and I tell you what....I did AWESOME!!

A few days ago, I had to stop and buy my husband Chick-Fil-A for lunch so I could surprise him with it. He's not into the clean eating just yet but he is making progress by making better choices so I'm proud of him for trying.
It was PURE SUCCESS!!...first time I managed to go through this place without giving in to the temptations because oh man that chicken smelled amazing going through the drive-thru lol. I don't care for the other fat food...I mean fast food joints  but I always had a hard time going through this place without getting something for myself. When Nick got home for lunch he had his food while I drank my Shakeo, I am so proud of myself and the hubs said he's real proud of me too so yay!! 
Don't use the excuse that you can't eat clean because your spouse and/or kids are holding you back...shouldn't they BE THE REASON to eat better for your health?
Trust me, it ain't easy but when you have my little Facebook support group and a coach (wink wink --> that's me ) who can check in with you on a daily basis than it gets easier, I promise!