Wednesday, February 11, 2015

The Power of Self Discipline

I am LOVING this new book that I started yesterday called "No Excuses - the Power of Self Discipline" by Brian Tracy.

It's crazy thinking how many times you come up with excuses not to go to work, not to workout, not to get stuff done, not to stick to your clean eating in order to have that short term satisfaction. This can apply to every aspect and not just in weight loss....just think of how many times you said "no, not now" because you were tired or didn't feel like it. Now would those excuses help you with your long term goals? I think not...

This quote is so true on so many you ever see a successful person coming up with excuses? They may have in the beginning before they became successful but eventually they learned the habits along the way that brought SUCCESS. One habit in particular is NO EXCUSES!!

Here's what I read this morning.....

"The first rule of success is simple: No more excuses! Do it or don't do it -- but don't make excuses. Stop using your incredible brain to think up elaborate rationalizations and justifications for not taking action. Do something. Do anything. Get on with it! Repeat to yourself: If it's to be, it's up to me! Losers make excuses; winners make progress"

BAM, isn't that awesome!! I will be reading this book everyday, I've only completed the introduction and already I highly recommend it! I have to train my mindset during my weight loss and in growing a successful business that no matter what...I WILL not be coming up with excuses for myself. No more excuses, not now and not ever!

So, that being said....get on with your day and make it happen!!

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