Monday, February 2, 2015

I got my life back and now I'm helping others!

Went to the chiropractor back on January 5th for an adjustment...I remember this day since my doc almost caught me crying with joy because seeing my last visit date hit me like a ton of bricks.

I was diagnosed with Severe Degenerative Disc Disease of the Thoracic spine along with arthritis in my facet joints last year even though I had been battling the pain for over 4 yrs now. It's a very crippling disease where you deal with chronic pain on a daily basis, it affects everything in your life and there are treatments but no cure. Unfortunately I'm no candidate for surgery because 4 different doctors have told me that I'm stuck with what I have for the rest of my life. I got tired of being given pills on every visit and turned away only to be back weeks later with no improvement. I could not comprehend that I was stuck feeling the way I had been feeling for the rest of my life so I started working on ways to IMPROVE my life ----> lets just say that I FOUND it!!

THIS right here is more PROOF that I am doing much better and feeling better because just LOOK at those dates on the chart!!...This doesn't even go over the last few years that I've been going to my chiro, this is only going back to last year so HUGE difference! I've been seeing a chiro since 2008 and they have helped me dramatically!!...I used to go 3-4 times a week when I first got injured where now my visits are less and less frequent. And here are 3 reasons why......

1. I FOCUS on nutrition more and what types of foods to avoid that causes inflammation....not perfected yet but I'm working on switching over to the Paleo lifestyle. If you eat foods that causes inflammation than it can put pressure on the nerve endings which for myself I've noticed flare ups if I consume too much grain.

2. I workout 5-6 days a week which is not only helping me lose weight but gain strength & flexibility. When you are building muscle and gaining strength than you can improve your posture! Also, I notice that when my back is stiff or locks up...well than all I need is to get my sweat session on and it helps loosen up my joints and wow I just feel more incredible than before I started.

3. But the biggest most LIFE CHANGING reason why I am IMPROVING is because I no longer work the typical job breaking my back for someone else....but instead working from home doing what I LOVE and in my bed at that!! I literally sit in bed and work online at my own pace with no pressure from anyone....I work whenever I want because I am my own boss. You can work on your own health while your helping improve the lives of others but also earn an income from home! 

This has been life changing for me because at one point I almost applied for disability back in April 2014 but I just couldn't grasp the idea of being on it doing nothing at the age of 28. It's crazy to see how much this has helped me not only look better, feel better but also provide an income at that!

So much change I've gone through but my struggles have only made me stronger. It's crazy I know but I feel like I was meant to go through all this so I can share my story and give others hope. Thank you God for everything and leading me where I needed to go...I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for Him.

I want to encourage you that if you know someone who is wanting to work but can't because they're limited like me than please reach out to me or send them my way because I'll be glad to tell them about everything I do and how much it's helped me. 

If you'd like the idea of working from home (even stay at home moms) or if you're already into health & fitness than this is HUGE accountability and you'd be doing the same thing that you're doing now but you'd also be helping others which is so rewarding. Interested? Please comment below or message me so we can talk it over, would love to see your life change like it has changed mine

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