Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Coaching is so much more...

Today I cleaned the house, had 7 phone calls, chatted with one of my coaches, spent time with the hubs and now I'm babysitting my niece......these were all scheduled INCLUDING the "no phone" time between 3 and 5pm. There were extra phone calls I didn't plan for but I enjoyed which is okay because I had a real productive day and got everything done I needed to do. Sounds strange but without a schedule and boundaries my business and over commitment could run us into the ground.
One of my favorite calls today was with one of my coaches and we went over her goals and way to reach them but more importantly.....we talked about boundaries. Setting times to work and times to NOT WORK. It's hard to stop when you love what you do and believe in it but, what's more important than family? It's a no-brainer. We work so that we can have more options and freedom for our family. I advised her to schedule both her family time and her time to work her business because she needs to ensure she doesn't neglect either one because both are so important. Today she said she was going to try and implement this tomorrow. I know she's looking forward to being able to balance both so she can have more freedom to do what she wants and enjoy her family time.
This is one of the reasons WHY I LOVE what I do....not only to help others achieve their health goals but also to help my coaches make their business into a source of income so they can stay home more with their families and enjoy the freedom. Coaching is so much more than being a great coach.......it's about being the best MOM/DAD/WIFE/HUSBAND you can be and finding your purpose though this business. heart emoticon

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