Saturday, November 29, 2014

Bring On December...

I did A LOT today lol but WOW I feel so accomplished!!! I cleaned the house, did dishes, put up laundry, cleaned out kitchen cabinets, etc... and after 4-5 hours of housework, I could have said "no workout today, I'm to pooped " BUT I didn't! Believe me that I was so tired and I didn't want to do a workout but I DUG DOWN DEEP and just got it done...I completed PiYo Sweat and I feel amazing! I seriously just need to remember the feeling when it's over so I NEVER have that feeling of not wanting to workout in the first place Lol.
I know we all splurged on goodies from Thanksgiving....I sure did because you know what....we're human right?!? But lets seriously kick things up a notch starting on Monday! So lets track our eating better, lets take more pics, lets workout TWICE as hard OR do DOUBLE duty and get 2 workouts done in one day......who's ready to kick it up a notch with me on Monday? If you're ready, than join me in my accountability group! It's free....all I ask is that you ENGAGE and take lots of pics just for fun and to hold you accountable.
No excuses....Christmas is less than 30 days away so lets FOCUS on the next few weeks and make it count!!! 

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