Monday, November 24, 2014

Someone's compliment led me to do a side by side comparison...

I am so beyond thrilled because my hard work is paying off in just LESS than 7 weeks wahoo!!! I just read a message from someone pointing out that they could see my progress from my pic I posted yesterday on my Facebook. So I did a little side by side comparison and WOW I am amazed because honestly I did not think I made that much progress!
You just get so used to seeing yourself everyday in the mirror that you don't notice those little changes and sometimes it takes someone else to mention it for you to notice it. So thank you for sending me that know who you are 
I encourage that if you notice someone making progress than please reach out to them and let them know because some of us are working so hard whether it be from working out, skin care, personal development, at our jobs or whatever it may be...just take a few min of your time and tell them. Others may need that acknowledgement that their hard work is paying off to help motivate them to keep on going.
Uplift someone's spirit this week and let them know that you see progress! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow. You can definitely see the difference.
    You look fabulous. Keep up the hard work. :]
