Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Leave the Negativity

After waking up with a few thoughts on my mind, I needed to make a post about it...

The best way to have a happy successful life, is to leave the drama at the door behind you!

When life throws negativity your way, choose to be stronger and use the the experience as a life lesson....because no matter what, YOU are moving forward towards your dreams and the people who matter will be right beside you encouraging you the entire way. No drama necessary because they only wish the best for you!

Negativity is like a slow poison sucking the joy and success from each day.

If something adds value to your life, keep it....and if something adds negativity, leave it!

If you find you are surrounded by a life of trouble and worry, take a look at the people you surround yourself with most as you are often a direct reflection of them.

If you want to be happy, then find happy people. If you want to be successful then find successful people and take in their company.

You literally create your own destiny 

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