Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Welcome New Coach Keri!!

Hey everybody, I'd like to welcome my newest coach Keri to the team!!! Keri is one of the challengers in my accountability group and is ready to shine because she has been so inspiring to those around her! She already has quite the transformation and has lost 100 lbs so far and is committed to losing more!! She is so motivated to reach her goal and has been working out doing weight training and mixed martial arts so this lady is on fire!! I am definitely looking forward to seeing her amazing progress because she's such an inspiration and I know with her passion she will help so many people! Congrats Keri, welcome to the team!!!

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Do Something You've Never Done...

Sunday night...time to reflect on my crazy week and busy weekend!
If I was working full time-in an office with a boss-- this week would have been HELL! I would have had to take AT LEAST 2/3 days off because I got a flareup that lasted for almost 3 days...and usually you only get 7-10 sick days A YEAR! NEVER again will I let someone else run my I can take a day off if needed and still can get paid!
I am so glad I am no longer working for someone else and started working for myself and my family! My family's future is more important than anything else and we're preparing ourselves for when we start having babies...we don't want our kids going to daycare. I am able to stay home during the day and take care of everything while working from home making an income! It has been a blessing...why didn't I start this sooner?!!
You have to sometimes give up what makes you comfortable to be amazing!
Want to do something bigger and better? The. Do something you haven't done before!
I am looking for 5 more women that want to make a life for your future and your family's future! Work from home, watch your kids grow up, make a living, and help others get fit while working on your own health! No need to be in shape already, just wanting to work on your own health...coaching is HUGE accountability!
What are you waiting for?!?
Need more info?...Join my 3 day "Intro to Coaching" fb group that starts this Tuesday where you will learn everything about coaching and what I do to earn an income from home! Please comment below if you'd like to join or feel free to message me at 
"If you want something you've never had, than you've got to do something you've never done."

My Secret Magic Pill

Shakeo is like my secret magic pill because it's your daily dose of dense superfood nutrition that will curb your cravings, improve regularity, provides you energy, helps you loose weight and much more! 

You guys asked me how I've been losing weight and how I manage to workout 6 days a week? So here it is...I replace one meal a day with this stuff! I also eat cleaner and workout 6 days a week....that's it! No crash diets, pills or injections that don't even work, I've been losing weight the healthy way!

I send out samples of these babies every week because they go like crazy! If you're wanting to try some samples than send me a message!

Cheers and happy weekend y'all! 

Week 1 of Les Mills Pump using the 21 Day Fix Meal Plan

Week 1 of Les Mills Pump with the 21 Day Fix meal plan has been a little crazy and busy but wow this meal plan is a lot easier than I thought! I love weekdays because I am one busy lady so when I'm on the go, I'll whip up my Shakeo before I have to leave the house for my on the go lunch!
Here's what my Shakeo usually consists of and is my favorite way to make it:
1 Red - Shakeo
2 Purple - 1 banana
1 Yellow - organic unsweetened coconut milk
2 tsp - PB2 (love this stuff!)
My 21 day fixers know what this all means lol ---> DELICIOUS!!!

Les Mills Pump is so much fun, I LOVE it! I really enjoy the barbell style workouts over the free weighted dumbbells. I KNOW this program will strengthen my back so I am COMMITTED 100%... It just brings me back to my Crossfit days of using the barbell with the weights....such a great workout! I will definitely be sticking to this one but I will still rotate in my PiYo because honestly my back needs the PiYo because it's my drug lol. 

I'm so excited to see how much stronger my body will become in these next 90 days using LMP & can say that I "flipped the switch" and realized that I needed to push harder to get to my goal. I can't wait to show you guys my before & after pics in the next 30's going to be crazy y'all!!!

ps...don't mind the crazy hair & no makeup lol

Monday, December 8, 2014

Set Yourself Up for Success by Starting Now

It's Monday and you might be feeling crappy because you ate poorly over the weekend....I get it. But don't let those little slip ups give you the excuse that you might as well start fresh on a different date because if you are already giving yourself excuses now to put off that fitness program or eat clean than what's to say that you'll actually stick to it whenever you start?!?

It's crazy how so many ppl I've come across that tell me..."it's not the right time, after New Years" or "it's my New Years resolution so I'll start than"....

Ok, so let me rephrase basically you're saying after you gain another few lbs or even 10 lbs from all the holiday parties THAN you'll start working towards your goal????....doesn't make sense to me ayiyiyi

Why make up excuses now? Why even start if you're just going to keep making up excuses for yourself? If you make up an excuse now than you are more likely to make up another excuse on the date that you are planning on to start. When you are making up are already setting yourself up for failure. Successful people don't make up excuses.....ppl who come up with excuses continue to fail. Just let that sink in a you get it?

Start your journey NOW towards a better you!....not New Years, not next Monday...NOW! I'm here to help you work towards your journey while I'm continually working on my own...we can do this together! If you're ready to COMMIT than message me because I'd love nothing more than to see you SUCCEED!

Now that's a little Monday Motivation for ya! :)

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Early Christmas Present

Oh snap! Look what FedEx dropped off to me early Christmas present!!! This girl will NOT be waiting until Christmas, I had to open it up because I am so excited about this program!!!

Some of you know that I did Crossfit in the past and I loved it however I could not do it anymore after 3 months because it was too hard on my spine from my Severe DDD so I had to quit Crossfit and instead started working out at home using Beachbody programs. I couldn't have made a better decision for myself because no more do I have to leave the house to get a workout in...I can workout in the comfort of my own home at my own pace and not have to pay for a membership anywhere which is AWESOMESAUCE!

Les Mills Pump is the home version of Body Pump and it's a barbell based rapid weight loss program. I know that I am limited at what I can & can't do BUT I will be going at my own pace so I don't think it will be too strenuous for me like Crossfit was. I missed the barbell workouts so as you can imagine I am super excited to get back it and start building some crazy muscle!

I'm starting this program Monday and adding it to the workout I'm currently already doing now so in other words....I am kicking it up a notch! I am so excited for this, I'm ready to push even harder to get to those results that I want so badly! Les Mills Pump is a 3 day week workout program but I'll be adding it to the workout I'm doing now so I'll be working out a total of 6 days a week...I've already got it all scheduled out! Yep, hold me accountable peeps if you'd like! I'll be documenting my journey with LMP making some videos because I want to share with you all the little nitty gritty details so be prepared to see me as a hot mess lol.

Why wait for the New Year when you can start your journey now and get a head start? I am NOT slowing down for Christmas, I am speeding it up so ONWARD and full force ahead!!

Stay Focused!

Most of the time we think of weekends as a chance to relax and unwind and that usually means eating out and having drinks. But why not change it up a bit and instead of “unwinding” all weekend....pick a day where you schedule your cheat meal, book a massage or go to a yoga class to relax. Planning it out this way gives you a whole day of relaxation and it gives you something to look forward to all week. Follow your meal plan including your planned cheat meal and you will still maintain the progress that you have worked so hard for!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Four Types of People...

"When it comes to commitment, there's really only four types of people:

1. Cop-outs: People who have no goals and do not commit.

2. Holdouts: People who do not know if they can reach their goals so they are afraid to commit.

3. Dropouts: People who start toward a goal but quit when the going gets tough.

4. All-outs: People who set goals, commit and pay the price to reach them.

What kind of person are you? Have you been reaching your goals? Are you achieving all that you believe you can?"

- John C. Maxwell
The 21 Indispensable Qualities of a Leader

Sunday, November 30, 2014

A New Obsession

Who is with me?!
As women we can tend to get caught up in competition with those around us.
Don't compete with anyone unless it is the person that you were yesterday!
Aim to be comfortable and confident in YOUR own skin and make THAT your #1 goal. 

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Bring On December...

I did A LOT today lol but WOW I feel so accomplished!!! I cleaned the house, did dishes, put up laundry, cleaned out kitchen cabinets, etc... and after 4-5 hours of housework, I could have said "no workout today, I'm to pooped " BUT I didn't! Believe me that I was so tired and I didn't want to do a workout but I DUG DOWN DEEP and just got it done...I completed PiYo Sweat and I feel amazing! I seriously just need to remember the feeling when it's over so I NEVER have that feeling of not wanting to workout in the first place Lol.
I know we all splurged on goodies from Thanksgiving....I sure did because you know what....we're human right?!? But lets seriously kick things up a notch starting on Monday! So lets track our eating better, lets take more pics, lets workout TWICE as hard OR do DOUBLE duty and get 2 workouts done in one day......who's ready to kick it up a notch with me on Monday? If you're ready, than join me in my accountability group! It's free....all I ask is that you ENGAGE and take lots of pics just for fun and to hold you accountable.
No excuses....Christmas is less than 30 days away so lets FOCUS on the next few weeks and make it count!!! 

Monday, November 24, 2014

Someone's compliment led me to do a side by side comparison...

I am so beyond thrilled because my hard work is paying off in just LESS than 7 weeks wahoo!!! I just read a message from someone pointing out that they could see my progress from my pic I posted yesterday on my Facebook. So I did a little side by side comparison and WOW I am amazed because honestly I did not think I made that much progress!
You just get so used to seeing yourself everyday in the mirror that you don't notice those little changes and sometimes it takes someone else to mention it for you to notice it. So thank you for sending me that know who you are 
I encourage that if you notice someone making progress than please reach out to them and let them know because some of us are working so hard whether it be from working out, skin care, personal development, at our jobs or whatever it may be...just take a few min of your time and tell them. Others may need that acknowledgement that their hard work is paying off to help motivate them to keep on going.
Uplift someone's spirit this week and let them know that you see progress! 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

No More Ground Beef and Lovin' the Turkey!

Dinner was so delicious!

We had turkey burgers with grilled pineapple and it was so yummy! That was my first time making grilled pineapple, y'all should try it sometime!

I'm so relieved that we don't ever have to buy ground beef anymore, we haven't since May. It took me forever to get used to eating turkey burgers with no sauce but I love it now. Luckily my hubby has always liked his burgers plain and dry so no more buying condiments in this house...yay!! Now I just have to work on cutting out the cheese because it's just extra calories that I don't need. 

Holiday Challenge ~ Reserve Your Spot!!!

Only a few days left for those of you who want to get some crazy results in 21 days right before the holidays. We kick off the holiday challenge on Facebook December 1st so I'm working on getting everyone set up so we can all start together on time.

I understand that it's the holidays and you may be thinking why start now and just wait until after the you remember the way you felt last year after gobbling down all that food and feeling bloated, yucky and guilty? I do...I will tell you that I will still indulge on a little holiday food but there is a right way to do that without gaining all that extra weight. Don't wait until New Years to make a change, start now and get a jump start towards your weight loss new years resolution.

Now is the time to join me along with lots of others in the group who are committing to stick with this for 21 days. Having that extra accountability is HUGE, this is the reason why I host monthly Facebook Challenge Groups and December's group is almost full! Tag some friends that might want to do this with you for the extra support. Your health is seriously the BEST gift that you can give yourself. No more excuses. We can all spend a lot during this time of year but investing in your health is something you'll never regret.

Join the challenge here on Facebook at:

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Leave the Negativity

After waking up with a few thoughts on my mind, I needed to make a post about it...

The best way to have a happy successful life, is to leave the drama at the door behind you!

When life throws negativity your way, choose to be stronger and use the the experience as a life lesson....because no matter what, YOU are moving forward towards your dreams and the people who matter will be right beside you encouraging you the entire way. No drama necessary because they only wish the best for you!

Negativity is like a slow poison sucking the joy and success from each day.

If something adds value to your life, keep it....and if something adds negativity, leave it!

If you find you are surrounded by a life of trouble and worry, take a look at the people you surround yourself with most as you are often a direct reflection of them.

If you want to be happy, then find happy people. If you want to be successful then find successful people and take in their company.

You literally create your own destiny 

Monday, November 17, 2014

I love Mondays!

Can you believe that Monday is one of my favorite days?
I think that Sundays are a great day to make goals, and Mondays are a great day to start those goals, and drop any bad habits you may have.
What kind of goals do you have for this week? Will you stop snacking at night? Will you drink more water? Maybe you will get up an hour earlier and workout?
Regardless what your short term goal for the week is, start today and continue on until you reach it. It feels so great to finish a goal!!

Friday, November 14, 2014

Guilt Free Get Lean Holiday Challenge!!!

I've gotten quite a few messages on Facebook asking me if I would share a few things about how I have lost all of this weight? I would be so happy to share with you what has been working for me and how I'm still continually making progress so I'm hosting a "Guilt Free Get Lean Holiday Challenge" on Facbebook. What I did, and still do today was COMMIT to a challenge group where you will get the support from the others like myself who are working towards the same goals as YOU! I will provide you with motivation, tips and nutritional guidance that has helped me lose the weight and now I'm paying it forward as a coach by sharing everything I have learned with you.

I run a group each month for those who are serious about changing their lives. I have been there so I know exactly what you are going through. And I want to save you the struggle, the time, and guess when it comes to fitness and nutrition. 

The next CLEAN EATING group that I'll be hosting will start next Wednesday on November 19th and runs through the 26th which is the day before Thanksgiving. We are going to be focused on clean eating for 7 days where I will provide you a meal plan along with the grocery list! We are really going to be focusing on making sure we don't gain any unwanted Thanksgiving weight, I'll be doing this with you!  Enjoy Thanksgiving this year without ending up feeling bloated and guilty about it! 

After Thanksgiving we will be gearing up for our next challenge where I will be sharing some awesome tips on how to incorporate all that left over food from Thanksgiving into our healthy meals.
And finally>>> gaahh, I'm so excited!!!  We will be starting our Guilt Free, Get Lean Holiday Challenge that will kick off on December 1st and will run through December 21st! In this group we will be eating clean and working out about 30 min a day. I will provide another new meal plan that consists of 21 days worth so you have 3 weeks of clean meals before Christmas! I will talk to each one of you before we kick off and make sure that you have the right workout and are ready to go!

If you had enough of trying to figure it out or just want the support from other women who have the same goals and want to learn what works, than this group is for YOU!

Please message me if you'd like to join and I 'll get back to you ASAP so we can get you ready to start with us this coming week!

I've Got My Confidence Back!

Years ago, I went to the doctor to have a physical done. I was 230 lbs which I could NOT believe it because we didn't have a scale in the house. I was in shock followed by me feeling ashamed that I had let myself go. The doctor said I was morbidly obese and I was also diagnosed pre diabetic and it was my huge wake up call!

Needless to say, after my wake up call...I started exercising and focusing on my nutrition. I've been making progress and getting closer towards reaching my goal of a healthy 150 lbs. My numbers have been reversed so I am nowhere being diabetic anymore! If I didn't lose the weight.....than I would have had diabetes today and probably much more major health problems. This goes to show how much weight can affect your health!

I feel amazing now, I got my confidence back and I feel like a million bucks! I'm on a mission to inspire others that they can improve their health just by incorporating fitness & nutrition.

If you need the help and the motivation, than please reach out to me and ask about joining my accountability group on Facebook. I would love to help you on your journey towards better health, it's so rewarding seeing others make progress because you inspired someone today.  

Thursday, November 13, 2014

It's the Coconut Oil!

Lately I've had quite a few compliments on my hair such as my hair looks so soft and has grown so fast which I just had it trimmed a month ago! I will tell you that for years my hair grew so incredibly slow, it was quite frustrating and at one point I thought that my hair was not going to grow anymore. Last year, I decided to do a little research on how to condition and grow you hair the natural way and came across coconut oil.
Let me tell you that this stuff is AMAZING!! Coconut oil is one of the most effective hair treatments for a wide variety of hair issues! It works incredibly well for repairing damaged hair that has been over processed, heat damaged, or is just naturally dry. I absolutely love this stuff!
Make sure to buy Organic unrefined coconut oil, I have bought mine from Sams Club but you should also be able to find some at your local grocery store. Start off small by placing a tsp for shorter hair to around a tbsp for longer hair in your hand and than rub your hands together to make it melt...just play around with it to figure out how much is best for you. After my shower, I scrunch some into my damp hair and just let it dry and I do this at least 1-2 times a week.
You can also apply coconut oil on your skin, chapped lips, dry elbows...just about anywhere to help soften your skin.
Who else uses this stuff?

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Don't Waste Your Life

It's Sunday night and I know there are so many out there that are gearing up and getting ready to go back to work whining about it because tomorrow is Monday...if you feel that way than why don't you change it? You can't change your life unless you change the situation that you're in.

This is why I refuse to be normal. I don't do what the society thinks is "normal" because I choose to work from home following my passion. Life is just toooo short for all that. Design your life the way you want to live it. You control your days and the way your life turns out, you only live once so why waste it?

Friday, November 7, 2014

Got a little surprise today!

I got my free P90 tank from Beachbody today, they're always giving away free stuff!
I earned this shirt just by helping others, I absolutely love this company because they truly take care of their customers and coaches 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Morning Thankful Thoughts

I started a new habit of waking up each morning with thoughts of what I'm thankful just helps get my day started off right and reminds me of how truly blessed I am. Each day I journal my thoughts, my ideas, my struggles and my successes. I also at the end of the day...instead of acknowledging all the things I didn't accomplish or still have to do, I acknowledge the stuff I did do! Even if it's as simple as doing the laundry because that is an accomplishment!!!

So often we focus on the negative, the what we didn't do, that we compare ourselves to others and we get STUCK in that NEGATIVE dark cloud glooming over us which keeps us from moving forward. Instead, fix that right now and change the way you think and act. When you start to think and speak positivity into your life, you begin accepting yourself for all that you are and you begin to accept the good, the bad and the ugly!

I know in this life I cannot please everyone, it's just not possible. But what I can do is try my BEST! I can wake up each and every day with the intention to pour love and kindness into others lives. I can strive to be better than the day before and lift up others. Each night I go to bed knowing that I am living my life with integrity and trust and I know that I feel good about the life I am living! Be who you are no matter what stay true to yourself!!! <3

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Meal Prep

Another tip on how to stay healthy when you're super BUSY! Plan all of your meals ahead of time.

Bulk cook and prep on the weekends for your breakfasts and/or lunches. Filling Tupperware containers with salads and breakfast casseroles is a big win for a successful week of eating! Most foods will stay fresh for several days in the fridge. Set one or two hours every weekend for bulk cooking, and you'll be thankful you did.

And to make it more fun...invite a friend to join you for meal prep Sunday!  

Who else preps their meals on Sunday?

It's a process...

I find myself repeating this over and over to myself and to others so often! 

We ALL including me want change to happen right now. Its hard to realize that it is going to take some time. It is going to take eating healthy 6 days a week, exercising, drinking enough water and focusing on the goal you want to achieve! It's going to take tweaking your diet when you reach a plateau and pushing yourself to workout when you would rather not!

Its a process, but if you follow the plan laid out for you, CHANGE will HAPPEN!!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Breakfast Muffins

{{ Breakfast Muffins}}

I love turkey sausage and this was a hit but next time I'll be trying it with bell peppers and onions instead of the broccoli >>>>> Yum!

Who doesn't LOVE having muffins for breakfast?!?! 

1lb Turkey Sausage
1 cup Broccoli florets
8 large eggs
1/4 cup milk
salt & pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 375 F. In a large sauté pan, over medium high heat, brown Sausage for about 5 minutes, or until the sausage is no longer pink. Remove from heat and stir in broccoli. Whisk together eggs, & milk. Season with salt and pepper. Lightly spray a 12-muffin pan with oil. Spoon out the sausage and broccoli mixture evenly into each muffin. Ladle the egg mixture over sausage and broccoli. Bake for 15-20 minutes. Gobble them up!

Pumpkin Pie in a Cup

Fall treat anyone?

I am a huge pumpkin lover and this has become one of my favorite treats! No more using the holidays as an excuse to have pumpkin pie only than to regret it later Lol.

I go to the post office almost everyday so if you'd like a sample kit of Shakeology than comment below or message me for details :)

Thursday, October 2, 2014

I took control of my health....

Back in 2008 I went to the doctor to have a physical done. I had no idea how much I weighed at the time because I didn't have a scale but when I got on the scale at the doctors office and it read 230 lbs...I could NOT believe it! I was in shock followed by me feeling ashamed that I had let myself go. I saw on the chart that the doctor put down that I was morbidly obese which was a huge wake up call! He looked me straight in the eye and said that "I needed to lose weight or I was going to get diabetes"...I was diagnosed pre diabetic!
Needless to say, after we left the doctor...I signed up at a local gym and started focusing on nutrition. I lost 80 lbs within a year because of my hard work and dedication! I went back to that very same doctor and he was just blown away that I did it....and I did it so quickly! My numbers were reversed so I was nowhere being diabetic anymore! If I didn't lose the weight.....than I would have had diabetes today and probably much more major health problems. This goes to show how much weight can affect your health!
Was it easy? No....but it was WORTH it!
I feel amazing, I got my confidence back and I feel like a million bucks! Now I'm on a journey to inspire others that they can improve their health just by incorporating fitness & nutrition.
If you think you're past the point of not being able to lose weight....just like I thought...PUSH that out of your mind now! If you need help or even the extra accountability than join my accountability group. I'd love to help you reach your fullest'd be amazed at what your body can do :)

Friday, September 26, 2014

Just give...

All the money or fame in the world means nothing if I didn't positively make an impact on those around me!!

Sitting here reflecting on all the blessings in my life! Everything I have done has been out of the sheer need to help others. If you succeed then that is all I need!! It's not hard when u love what you do!

Be a giver and u shall receive more than you ever thought imaginable!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

I'm on my own path....

I used to look at other people, on their own fitness journey or not, and get so discouraged I would falter on my own. I am learning every day that everyone is on their own path and if I don't stay focused on mine I will never get out of my own way. Setting goals, making a dream board and reviewing it daily is helping me overcome a life long habit of comparing myself to others. I am finally learning how to make my own dreams come true, and I couldn't be happier.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Such an exciting day!!!

So my coach Brandi just posted on Facebook congratulating me and Tracee on hitting Emerald this week woot woot! Anyway, this is from my coach Brandi >>>>>>

"Sooo excited to be back home to congratulate not one but TWO gorgeous ladies on taking their ...businesses to the next level and reaching EMERALD rank!!!! This is such a huge accomplishment and I'm so proud of both of them because this was one of the "criteria" that needed to be met to take apart of my push to DIAMOND training that starts this week and they both rocked it out of the park on their own which is so cool to see as a coach!!!!

So please help me congratulate Tracee Kinnear and Shalonn Landry on going EMERALD this past week!!!!! Not only that but right on the brink of hitting Success club 5! Amazing job ladies!!!! Congrats again!!!! " <<<<<< Gah, so exciting!!!

A few words from me now.....

I am so beyond thrilled to see how my business is helping change lives while changing my own. This is so exciting to see how much I've grown since I started and I'm looking forward to meeting new people while helping them reach their fullest potential.

You DON'T have to be an expert when it comes to fitness and just need to have that DESIRE to change lives and INSPIRE others...that's it! I'm in no way an expert but I am on my own journey towards better health helping others do the same on a daily basis. 

If you are curious on what coaching is all about, please contact me because I'm looking to add 4-5 people on my team right now! I am putting together all new training for my new coaches so don't hesitate! You can always try to see if this something that would work for you . Also, if you know anyone that would make a great coach or looking to work from home (such as stay at home moms) than please pass on my info. Please send me a message if you or someone else you know may be interested!

Here's to us...


I never said it was going to be easy...but it will be worth it! Give it your all and dedicate your life to doing this over and over again. You only live one life so why waste it?!?  

Monday, September 22, 2014

Help Wanted!!!

{{ATTENTION}} Fitness lovers, heath nuts, social media folks, trainers, and all those who love helping others!!!

I am looking for 5 individuals that want to run their own fitness & health coaching business FROM HOME and get fit and health...y while doing it!! You will get the support of MYSELF and many others who want to share with you what we do to run a successful business from home.

I am starting a new training program for those who want to learn what I do and how to be successful!! Our job is to help others become physically and financially fit. If you are a hard worker, self-motivated and dedicated to consistency, I would love to talk to you!! My support for you is never ending and you are welcome to ask any of the coaches on our team about their experience so far!

I have a vested interest in our team and I am passionate about helping others experience everything that this opportunity has to offer!

So, if you are looking for a get rich quick experience, this is not for you. If you are looking to help yourself and others ----> Send me a message!

God Has Perfect Timing....

I'm so grateful for all of my struggles....I asked God many times why I had gone through so many struggles throughout my life. I wanted to figure out ways to force what I thought would work to work out but God wouldn't budge. Sometimes we think we know what's best for ourselves but we really know nothing at all. 

 All of my struggles have led me to where I'm at today and I couldn't be more grateful. I just wanted to thank God for being faithful and always providing. It might not have been what I wanted from the very beginning but it's perfect timing and my life honestly couldn't have turned out any better. 

Little did I know that I was led to the perfect man who became my best friend and 4 years later became my husband. What does he have in store for us next? Only time will tell but I have my full trust in Him because God always matter the circumstance. Put your faith in God, lean on him, trust him and he will provide when the time is right. <3

Friday, September 19, 2014


~Black Bean Spinach Enchiladas~

{For the sauce}
3 cups organic low sodium vegetable broth
1/4 cup tomato paste
1/4 cup all purpose flour
2 Tbsp. olive oil
2 tsp. cumin
1/4 tsp. garlic powder
1/4 tsp. onion powder
1/4 tsp. chili powder

{For the enchiladas}
15 oz. can black beans, rinsed and drained
1 1/2 cups corn (I used frozen, thawed)
6 oz. fresh baby spinach
6 green onions, thinly sliced
1/3 cup cilantro, chopped
2 tsp. cumin
3 cups shredded 3 cheese blend (or pepper jack, etc.)
8 whole wheat or flour tortillas

Make the sauce: in a saucepan, heat olive oil over medium heat. Add tomato paste, flour, 2 tsp. cumin, garlic powder, onion powder, and chili powder. Cook 1 minute, whisking. Whisk in broth, bring to a boil. Reduce to simmer, and cook until slightly thickened about 8 minutes. Salt/pepper to taste, and set aside.

Saute the spinach in olive oil over medium heat for 1-2 minutes until slightly wilted. In a large bowl, combine beans, 2 cups cheese, spinach, corn, green onions, 2 tsp. cumin, and cilantro. Preheat oven to 375. Lightly spray a 9x13 inch baking dish, and pour a small amount of the sauce to coat the bottom. Generously fill tortillas with mixture, roll up tightly with ends tucked in, and place seam side down in dish. Pour remaining sauce over the enchiladas, coating evenly. Sprinkle 1 cup cheese on top. Bake about 20 minutes, and garnish with cilantro and/or green onions (optional).

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Lots of excitement!!!....

So much has happened the past few days and I've been filled with so much happiness and excitement....I feel so thankful and so blessed <3

I just have to say....thank you Beachbody for giving Coaches the chance to work from home inspiring others. My little business is thriving and it has just been such a godsend because at one point…I didn’t even know if I could work the average job from the Severe DDD I had. Now I can finally focus on improving my own health while inspiring others along the way and provide an extra source of income. 

I've also been blessed to add 2 amazing ladies to my team, words can't describe how happy I feel knowing that at one time....I was in their position. When I first signed up....I was nervous, scared, excited and so so happy. Now I have team to guide every step of the way....and to help them grow their business so they too can work from home and make a living. I was a little hesitant at first....heck I was shy as ever but becoming a coach and inspiring ppl on a day to day basis has truly opened me up. It's crazy that words just naturally come out and I am writing this to you all.....if you know me, I NEVER talk like this.....I NEVER have but knowing that I will be guiding my coaches to become their fullest potentials is something I want to do each and every day because the feeling of helping others is just an incredibly amazing feeling. They always say to turn your passion into your career and I’m doing just that….it’s a beautiful thing to be able to follow your passion <3

Huge welcome to these sweet ladies!!!......

Jackie is passionate about fitness and is currently on her journey to learning about nutrition. She was inspired to become a coach after... finding out that she can help others reach their fullest potential! She has big dreams and I'm thrilled to have her on my team! This awesome lady also happens to be my mom and I'm excited to see where this takes her! Welcome to the team mom, love ya tons! <3

Kelly is one of the challengers in my accountability group and has been rocking it out inspiring those around her! She is passionate about fitness and is motivated to reac...h her goals. She's been such an inspiration to me and it's an honor to be her coach. She's such a sweet lady that has an amazing heart and is so thrilled to start helping others reach their fullest potential! Congrats Kelly, welcome to the team <3

Goodnight y'all, I'm off to sleep so I can wake up refreshed and ready to tackle on the world! 

*If you want to learn more about being a coach, please send me a message so I can give you all the info....I am ac
cepting applications*

Ready to refresh & renew...

So, it's been over 2 weeks since my mom went back to Utah and we miss her dearly. While she stayed with us during those 2 weeks...we worked out almost every day but the clean eating was hard to stick too because we wanted her to experience all the good foods she's never had that are different from where she lives....such as gumbo lol. I know I'm not perfect with my clean eating, it's okay to treat yourself every once in awhile but this was 2 weeks worth while she was here that I didn't necessarily watched what I ate. Yikes!!!

After she went back to Utah on Aug 27th, the past few weeks I've felt soooo unbelievably bloated and not on my game lately. I feel uncomfortable with myself and I've lacked the energy which is the reason I haven't been on here much blogging. Lately I've felt a little sluggish and I've had a few headaches. I actually got a cold last Thursday and I'm just getting over it as of right now. I'm thinking my body needs to go through a cleanse to help rid the toxins I had built up over time. I need to RID the junk in the trunk if you know what I mean Lol!

As soon as I get this feeling flushed, I'll be back on my game and ready to blog everyday. I think I will even blog about my cleanse to provide everyone my feedback. 

What do you all think? Has anyone else done a cleanse before?